

Family Practice & Direct Primary Care located in Lincoln, NE


Thermography is a cutting-edge imaging technique that uses heat-detecting sensors to gain insights into your health. At Aletheia Integrative in Lincoln, Nebraska, Jaime K Dodge, MD and the team of family practice and direct primary care physicians uses onsite thermography to screen for various conditions, including breast cancer, peripheral vascular disease, and lymphatic disorders. Call Aletheia Integrative today to schedule a thermography appointment, or book your visit online. 

What type of medical information can thermography provide?

Thermography is a diagnostic screening procedure free of radiation. It uses an infrared camera and other heat-detecting technology to identify (and assess) temperature differences throughout your body. 

Many diseases cause specific body systems to overheat, while others trigger a drop in temperature or hypothermia. Thermography provides a safe, noninvasive way to catch potential problems when they respond best to treatment.

Thermography was developed in the 1950s. In 1982, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it as a supplementary procedure to mammograms for breast cancer screening.

What types of medical issues can thermography detect?

The Aletheia Integrative team uses thermography to detect various medical issues, including:

  • Breast cancer
  • Thyroid problems
  • Cerebrovascular disease (conditions that affect blood flow in the brain)
  • Peripheral vascular disease (PAD)
  • Neuromuscular conditions
  • Infections
  • Inflammation
  • Toxicity
  • Lymphatic system disorders
  • Testicular disorders

Thermography screening is quick, pain-free, and noninvasive. There’s no downtime, so you can return to work and other activities immediately after your appointment.

What happens during thermography screening?

At Aletheia Integrative, thermography screenings average 30-60 minutes.

Don’t wear deodorant on the day of your exam, as it can interfere with your results.

When you arrive at the office, you’re asked to remove your top so your body can adjust to the room temperature. After about 15 minutes, your Aletheia Integrative technician has you stand in front of the thermography imaging system.

Once you’re in position, your technician takes several scans of your body from the front, back, and sides. They also take scans of your breasts if you’re using the treatment to supplement a mammogram.

After the screen is finished, you change back into your clothes and head home. It takes about a week to receive the results of your thermography scan.

Is thermography safe?

Thermography is safe and typically well-tolerated.* The machine doesn’t emit any radiation or compress your breast tissue like digital mammography. 

Thermography isn’t as accurate as other types of diagnostic imaging. It has a high false positive rate, meaning you might receive a diagnosis that isn’t accurate. As a result, the Aletheia Integrative team typically recommends thermography alongside other types of imaging procedures. 

Call Aletheia Integrative today to schedule a thermography consultation or book your appointment online. 

*Individual results may vary.